Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Directive 2013/11 / EU and the 524/2013 Regulation on the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) govern the extra-judicial resolution of disputes between consumers and companies in the online sales industry. For this purpose, a European ODR platform has been created ( ), to which consumers who encounter a problem with a purchase on Il Verde Mondo can submit a complaint online. to initiate the alternative dispute resolution procedure and find a quick solution. In this regard, the email address of Il Verde Mondo is

The procedure begins with the sending of the notification of the complaint to the company, which must agree with the consumer about the national ADR body that will manage the dispute through the ODR platform . Here the parties involved will have to insert the necessary documentation for the evaluation of the application. The procedure ends with a proposed solution, to which the parties can decide to comply or not. We remind you that this procedure is voluntary and optional and is not intended to replace a judicial procedure for resolving disputes between businesses and consumers.